Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 10, 2010

G'day family,

This week was pretty dang good, mostly cause we got to watch conference this weekend. i love just sitting there for ten hours over two days and just get spiritually fed, for yourself, cause we worry so much about what everyone else needs and how we can best help them but during conference you have the opportunity to look and yourself and find the weak part and decide to act and make them strong. The big message that i got form conference was LISTEN to the living prophet, he's critical right now, and also They hammered the gift of Agency into us, our righteousness is all on us and we need to make good decisions always, so great that we get to have that every six months. something sad that happened this week is that young girl who was gonna be baptised this week, well here mom wasn't informed of her recent investigating and choice to be baptised and she chucked a whobbly (tantrum) and forbid her from seeing us and breathed out threatening to her friends in the church who were assisting in her teaching, we're still assessing the situation and we hope some things can be reconciled. Also this week we finally went to COSTCO it was the best, so exact like the ones there, except mostly aussie brands but there was some unique American stuff man it was so fun, felt like i was home. And i finally discovered one thing i am allergic to. we did some service for this older lady and she wanted me to mulch this plant with massive green leaves so i did and right in the middle of handling them my hand felt like it was on fire, like there was a billion micro cuts all over my hand it was highly painful i tried to wash it off but this invisible mini ninja continued to hack up my hand. it sucked but I'm over it and now i know I'm not immune to everything, bummer, but as for my week thats about it, i have nine weeks Left oh boy oh boy!!! love you all hepas and actually email me next week... except for Christy she did well. hahaha.

-Elder Ballard

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