Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 14, 2009

G'day Family

This week was very quick, um my companion fell crook so most of the week we didn't do anything. But I do have one hilarious story. On Saturday I went to another missionaries area for exchanges and while we were over there we got on the bike and were riding from appointment to appointment. We cut through this park to save some time and some legs. Then we pop back out on the busy road. Then the next thing I know is I hear an ear shattering screatch in my ear. and I turn around, and an Austrlaian Magpie is swooping and attacking me. And I can't defend myself because I was currently trying to not fall off the bike because of the noise it made and I was also trying not to be bashed my a car in the road from my swervy manuevers. To avoid this maniac bird hahaha. It swooped me like six times and my comp couldn't hear me cause of the traffic and wind so I was fighting this bird off all alone but it finally left us alone. Apparrently we rode through its territory hahaha. But the best part about all this is on our way back to the flat... sure enough that bird is there waiting for us and it swoops me again so I pedel really fast to get ahead of my comp so the bird can attack him and it worked the bird swooped and hit Elder Ianusi like four time and I was watching it all happen it was so funny. So they borught the packages down today where is mine I thought you all sent a tape! oh well I dont care. We have a baptism in less than two weeks. But were still now 100% but I hope we can get there. All I can say is...go cowboys! and I love you guys.

-Elder Ballard

September 06, 2009

G’day Family,
This week went really well the funny story for the week is when we were at the grocery store we were standing in line behind a trolley full of baked bean cans. And I just thought it was one of those things were they just throw things into a trolley to organize later because there is no way that some one is gonna buy all those beans but sure enough some bloke walks up and takes a hold of the handle. So I asked him “so You like Baked beans?” and he just starts talking and as soon as I hear one word out of his mouth I know he’s American. And he starts say “Ya man! Dude bro the world is gonna end the worlds ***king gonna end! On September 9th 2009, Dude go and look at Alex Johns on you tube!” okaaaaayy hahaha then I see that he has a Texas tech Jumper on. So I ask him if he went there he said yes he is apparently a biophysicist. Then of course I have to ask him if he is a cowboy fan, he isn’t but his brother is. Them he keeps going on about how the dollar will crash on this Wednesday and he’s been preaching it for 8 years he was nuts and he stunk. But it was funny so be prepared you all for the end of the world hahaha I can’t wait to see him on September tenth. Ya other than preparing for the world to end we were able to set a baptismal date with a girl named Hayley and she is solid as! So good we found her in the former investigators and she has family like cousins in the church all is going well. She’ll be baptized on September 26th. So that will be right before transfers so hopefully I’ll baptize right before I go. Also our other family is going well. We’ll see them tonight and re commit to be baptized so we’ll see. I’m well. I have my good days mostly but some bad but I’ve learned the lord truly does love me and I can call on him when ever he is great support for me and I promise he will be for you. Be safe family. I love you. Be safe especially on September 9th hahaha

-Elder Wesley Ballard.

August 30, 2009

Hey Family,

This week went well, I think it flew by honestly the days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days. So it's going fast and the work with our families is going really slow due to the language barriers, but we are still working with them and also a Sri Lanken family they are being taught by us now and it's a lot of fun. hmmm i'm trying to think of something good that happened to me. Nothing really funny, but zone conference came and we got to see president and sister Lee which is always my favorite I love them so much I can't wait for you to meet them when they come over for the ruinion. but i've been able to enhance my study of the book of mormon and i'm in my favorite part and thats the stripling warriors and man if I didn't love to work so much I would read the book of mormon all day. So ya it's definately the word of god and I love losing myself in it and learning more than I ever thought and even somthing better is i'm finally being able to recall on scriptures easily while were teaching and alot of it is stuff I learned that morning so I hope that type of learnig and study will continue forever so I can always be able to call upon the words of god when in time of need. well I love you all and hope all is well. and don't forget me down here cause if you do I just may stay.

Elder Ballard

August 23, 2009

Hey Family,
This week was a good one. We worked our tails off, probably spent a total of 30 hours tracting and other finding activities and we found like two semi good people but through our diligent work the lord blessed us in other ways and with other poeple. We had this African family all come to church. It was great we filled a whole row in sarament meeting with investigators. So great! um other than that only two other things happened. One we got a new missionary and he is fresh off the plane from Provo, he lives in Alaska. He look just as scared as I was when I first got here he's not even over the jet lag yet. We also got another missionary been out six months and he is from New Zealand and he is Chad, not resembles Chad, not looks a bit like him, but he is exactly Chad. In all his mannerisms and speach hahaha it's so funny. But the only difference is he is Chad before the mission. He is a big boy like 6'7" and like three hundren maybe 350 pounds he is awesome I love the man. Then a funny story is we found some guy and he seemed keen on learning and so we went back in four days and when we got there his mom told him to tell us to get lost and he came out and we said hey Michael how you doing? and he said "who?" what are you serious dude we know who you are who are you fooling hahah he said his name was Mark and have never met us before hahaha what an idiot it was funny and he just look liked an idiot pretty funny. any ways family all is well in this stake of Zion. miss yall but only a little. Love you guys. bye

-Elder Ballard